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Social media community
Enebral Sainz9/19/23 11:01 AM10 min read

How to Build a Community on Social Media: A Marketer's Guide

Many people think social media marketers just need to post great content and wait for people to follow their brand naturally. However, creating content without actively building a community is like building a fancy hotel on a remote island and expecting visitors.

In today's crowded social space, it's crucial to understand that your brand doesn't exist in isolation. Instead, it flourishes within a broader ecosystem of engaged and passionate individuals who share common interests, values, or aspirations. Keep reading to understand why building a thriving social media community should be the cornerstone of your social media strategy.


What Is a Social Media Community for Brands?

A social media community consists of people who are already interested in a brand, its products, or services. These people already like or have a shared interest in the brand. This community develops and flourishes on social media platforms, where members engage in conversations, share content, and interact with the brand. This community can range from small, niche groups of enthusiasts to large, global networks of customers and fans.

Building a social media community is about more than just collecting followers. It is a strategic approach for brands to foster loyalty, drive engagement, and enhance their online presence and reputation. It involves creating content, actively engaging with community members, and nurturing a sense of belonging and trust among the audience.

sezane-lovers-1Example of Sézane's social media community using the hashtag #sezanelovers to upload UGC.
Keep reading more about how Sézane nurtures its social media community here.


Why Should You Invest Time and Effort in Fostering a Social Media Community?

Marketers should remember that social media community members are their ideal customers in the target audience. They are already part of your marketing funnel, and here's why this is so significant:

  • Shorter sales cycle: Social media community members already know your brand, products, and values. This familiarity shortens the sales cycle because you don't have to start from scratch in convincing them to buy from you.
  • Higher conversion rates: people in your brand community are more likely to convert into paying customers. Since they are already interested in your brand or offerings, they are more receptive to your marketing messages and promotions. This translates into higher conversion rates, a key goal for any marketing strategy.
  • Cost-effective marketing: Acquiring new customers can be expensive, involving advertising and outreach efforts to unfamiliar audiences. In contrast, marketing to your existing social media community is often more cost-effective. You've already invested in building these relationships; nurturing them typically requires less financial expenditure.
  • Word-of-mouth amplifies brand reach: A satisfied and engaged social media community will likely become advocates for your brand. They not only buy from you but also share their positive experience or recommend your products and services to their networks. This organic word-of-mouth marketing can significantly attract new customers who trust recommendations from peers.
  • Feedback loop: Your community provides insights and feedback that can guide your brand. Through social listening, you can uncover your community's desires and pain points, allowing you to adjust your brand's content or offerings to align with their needs and preferences. This direct line of communication helps to inform the marketing strategy and ensure continued growth.

In summary, a strong social media community helps brands boost brand awareness, gather valuable insights, and even drive sales and conversions.


10 Steps to Build & Nurture Your Brand's Social Media Community

Building and nurturing a social media community takes time and dedication, but the rewards are worth the effort. Here are ten actionable steps to guide you in the process:


1. Define Your Community's Purpose

Start by defining the purpose of your community. It's the reason your community exists and the value it offers to your audience. Whether sharing knowledge, offering support, or inspiring creativity, a clear purpose sets the foundation for a strong community.

It not only aids in attracting the right audience but also sets the tone for the kind of interactions and content that will thrive within your community.


2. Identify Your Target Audience

Before you start building your social media community, it's crucial to understand that your customers are already on social media. It's your job to identify your ideal community members and provide a clear picture of who you're targeting. What are their common traits, interests, and pain points?

Tailor your content and engagement strategies to resonate with your audience's desires and aspirations.


3. Choose the Right Platforms

Not all social media platforms are equal, and different audiences prefer different spaces. Research and understand which social media platforms your audience frequents the most. If you are aiming to target digital natives, platforms like Instagram or TikTok tend to be highly effective. On the other hand, for a professional audience, LinkedIn is the top choice and can also prove quite effective for certain B2C brands.

It might also be a good idea to check on your competitors and explore their social media profiles. By pinpointing the right social media platforms, you can concentrate your efforts on where they will have the most impact.


4. Craft Compelling Content

Compelling content is what keeps your audience engaged and eager to participate:

  • Create a social media calendar and maintain a consistent posting schedule.
  • Provide valuable information, insights, and tips related to your niche.
  • Invest in high-quality visuals that align with your brand's identity.

Crafting content that resonates with your audience is essential, but it's equally vital to integrate this into a broader content strategy.


5. Encourage User-Generated Content (UGC)

Inspire your community members to create content related to your brand or product and become active contributors. Share and celebrate their contributions to foster a sense of belonging and authenticity within your community. Here are some practical ways for brands to encourage UGC:

  • Create a branded hashtag
  • Host contests and challenges
  • Run social media takeovers
  • Ask for reviews and testimonials
  • Share user stories
  • Offer rewards and always give credit


6. Be Responsive

Building a social media community means being an active participant in it. Respond to comments, answer questions, and acknowledge feedback promptly with a consistent brand voice. This responsiveness not only fosters trust but also demonstrates your commitment to the community's well-being.

If you struggle to find the time or resources for community management, use a social media management platform. Tools like BrandBastion Lite and its smart social inbox will let you gather all your social media conversations in one place. Besides, our platform finds which comments need a reply and suggests ready-to-use responses with AI.


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7. Maintain A Safe Online Space

Set clear guidelines for participation to maintain a positive and respectful environment. Encourage constructive discussions and discourage any form of harassment or negativity. Nobody wants to participate in conversations with spammers or hate speech.

Again, some tools can help you moderate your social media conversations to ensure that harmful comments aren't visible. With BrandBastion Lite, you can easily protect your brand reputation and community.


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8. Leverage Influencers and Advocates

Leveraging influencers and advocates is a strategic approach to humanizing your brand and amplifying your social media community's reach.

Influencers are individuals with substantial and engaged social media followings, while advocates are enthusiastic and loyal customers who genuinely love your brand, products, or services. Typically, influencers are hired for one-off social campaigns to drive awareness from their large network.

In contrast, brand ambassador programs are a great way to reward brand advocates, fostering long-term partnerships and brand loyalty.


9. Measure and Analyze

Use analytics tools to track the performance of your community-building efforts. Analyze audience growth, engagement metrics, and sentiment to identify areas for improvement and fine-tune your strategies. Remember that when you hear and value your community, they will likely stay engaged and provide constructive feedback.

Embracing this data-driven approach guarantees that your social media community not only flourishes but also aligns with your brand's objectives. It empowers you to make informed decisions that contribute to the success and growth of your business.


10. Adapt and Evolve

In the ever-changing social media landscape, adaptation and evolution are a must. Your social media community is not a static entity but a dynamic, living ecosystem.

Regularly revisit and iterate on your community-building strategy. Does it still align with the brand's objectives and vision? Are there new opportunities or challenges to address? Are we listening to our community's feedback and meeting their needs?

Don't be afraid to experiment; it can lead to breakthroughs and innovative approaches that revitalize your community.


Examples of Brands With Thriving Communities

Some brands have harnessed the power of community building to create a loyal customer base and achieve remarkable success. Let's look at three brands that have truly mastered the art of building strong online communities:



Lululemon, the activewear and yoga apparel brand, has created an extraordinary community of fitness enthusiasts and yoga practitioners. Their social media platforms are not just about selling products; they are platforms for inspiration, motivation, and connection. Here's what sets Lululemon apart:

  • Ambassador Program: Lululemon describes its ambassadors as "an extension of [the] brand." Members are invited to test new products, connect with a network of fellow ambassadors, and provide feedback to the company.
  • User-Generated Content (UGC): Lululemon encourages its customers to share their workout or yoga journey using its products. They often feature UGC on social media, showcasing real people and authentic stories.
  • Social Rules: They have clear guidelines to make their community inclusive and safe for everyone.

Lululemon's social media community


Charlotte Tilbury

Charlotte Tilbury, a renowned makeup and beauty brand, has created a dedicated community of beauty enthusiasts and makeup lovers. They've embraced social media to offer more than just cosmetics:

  • Tutorials and Tips: Charlotte Tilbury frequently shares makeup tutorials and beauty tips, allowing their community to learn and experiment with their products. This educational content fosters a sense of expertise and trust.
  • User-Generated Looks: They encourage customers to showcase their makeup looks created using Charlotte Tilbury products. This not only highlights their products but also promotes creativity and authenticity within the community.
  • Responsiveness: The brand is highly responsive to its community. They promptly engage with comments, queries, and feedback from their followers, creating a sense of a caring and attentive brand.

Charlotte Tilbury's social media community



Sézane, a fashion brand known for its sustainable practices, has built a community of fashion enthusiasts and advocates for more ethical practices in the industry:

  • #SezaneLovers: Sézane boasts a solid and authentic French identity that has proven to be a success worldwide. Their consistent brand voice has resonated with a diverse community of fashion lovers.
  • Interactive Engagement: Sézane excels in customer interactions, from promptly responding to comments to asking for customer feedback. On platforms like TikTok, they have even introduced fun challenges and games. This level of engagement creates a sense of closeness within their community.
  • Social Causes: Beyond fashion and sustainability, Sézane uses social media to shed light on the causes they support, such as education and women's rights. This engagement isn't one-sided; it invites their community to join hands in positively impacting society. This sense of purpose strongly appeals to their community members.

Sézane's social media community


In conclusion, building and nurturing a social media community can significantly impact your brand's success. It can increase customer loyalty, expand reach, and even drive higher sales. But beyond the business implications, witnessing community connections and brand love grow is a rewarding experience for all social media managers and marketers.

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