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brand voice
Sandra Figueiredo6/7/23 6:57 AM11 min read

Brand Voice: Why it's important and how to create one

A strong brand voice is a vital element in establishing a distinct identity and connecting with your target audience. It encompasses the personality, tone, and style of your brand's communication, shaping how your customers perceive and engage with your business.

What is Brand Voice?

Brand voice is the distinctive personality, tone, and style of communication that a brand uses to engage with its audience.

Individuals have unique voices that reflect their personalities. Similarly, brands have their own voice too. This voice shapes how they interact with their customers and how they distinguish themselves from their competitors.

Brand voice is a strategic choice made by a brand. It conveys the brand's values, culture, and purpose. This applies to all content, communication, and interactions. A well-defined brand voice is a guiding principle for all brand communications, ensuring consistency and coherence across various touchpoints.

Why is Brand Voice so important?

  • Differentiation: It sets you apart from competitors, making your brand memorable and unique.
  • Brand Consistency: It ensures a cohesive brand experience across all channels, building trust and familiarity.
  • Audience Connection: By speaking relatable language, it fosters loyalty and drives engagement.
  • Brand Recognition: It makes your brand easily recognizable and memorable in the minds of your audience.
  • Customer Trust: It builds credibility and trust by being authentic, transparent, and relatable.
  • Improved Customer Experience: It enhances the overall experience by providing clarity and helping customers navigate your offerings.

90% of consumers say authenticity is important when deciding which brands they like and support and 83% of marketers agree that authenticity is very important to their brands. (Source)

What is the Difference Between Voice and Tone?

Voice is the consistent personality and values that define a brand's communication style. It represents the brand's identity and remains constant across touchpoints. Tone refers to the emotional inflection and attitude within the brand's voice that adapts to different situations. The voice adjusts the level of formality, intensity, and emphasis based on the context.

While voice sets the foundation of your brand's communication, tone adds flexibility and variation while staying true to the brand's voice. Both voice and tone work together to create a cohesive and authentic brand experience.


How to Find Your Brand Voice: A Step-by-Step Guide

Establishing a distinctive brand voice is essential for creating a solid and authentic brand identity. It enables you to connect with your audience, and differentiate yourself from competitors, and build lasting relationships. Follow this step-by-step guide to discover your unique brand voice:


Step 1: Review your brand mission

Begin by conducting a comprehensive audit of your brand's existing identity. Evaluate your branding elements, mission statement, values, and personality. Assess how well your current brand voice aligns with your unique selling proposition (USP) and supports your overall brand image.

rei Brand Highlight: REI
REI is a specialty outdoor retailer and their company mission is to inspire, educate and outfit for a lifetime of outdoor adventure and stewardship. Their brand voice reflects this mission by fostering adventure, exploration, and a connection with nature. With an enthusiastic and adventurous tone, REI encourages customers to embrace the outdoors while being responsible and mindful of the environment.

Step 2: Understand your target audience & how they speak

To engage with your audience effectively, you need to speak their language. Conduct research to determine the language and tone that best align with their preferences.

depop Brand Highlight: Depop
Depop is a brand used mainly by Gen Z and their brand voice is very much shaped by their target audience. The brand communicates with its users in a conversational and authentic manner, using Gen Z slang and embracing the community-driven nature of the platform.


The best way to learn how your audience communicates is by paying close attention to social media comments. Analyze the language your community uses, the tone they adopt, and the sentiments expressed. This valuable feedback can provide insights into the voice your audience resonates with and help you align your brand voice accordingly.


Take advantage of platforms like BrandBastion Lite to analyze and understand your audience's comments. BrandBastion Lite enables you to listen to your audience's feedback, particularly the positive comments, to identify the voice they use. BrandBastion Lite also allows you to analyze the emojis used by your audience.

Step 3: Define your Brand’s Tone of Voice with the help of 3 questions

Now that you are armed with actionable insights, it's time to create your brand voice. To establish a compelling and authentic brand voice, it is essential to delve into the core elements of your brand. By asking yourself the following three questions, you can gain a clearer understanding of your brand's personality, target audience, unique differentiators, preferred tone of voice, and desired emotional impact.

  • What is our brand's personality? How would we describe it in a few words?

Defining your brand's personality is the way you describe its character. Consider the values, traits, and attributes that best represent your brand. Is your brand playful, adventurous, sophisticated, trustworthy, or innovative? Explore adjectives that capture the essence of your brand and align with its identity. 


patagonia Brand Highlight: Patagonia
The clothing brand "Patagonia" portrays itself as adventurous, environmentally conscious, and socially responsible. 


  • What tone of voice best reflects our brand? Should it be formal, informal, friendly, professional, authoritative, etc.?

Consider the tone of voice that aligns with your brand's personality and resonates with your target audience. Should your brand voice be formal, informal, friendly, professional, authoritative, or a combination? Determine how you want your brand to be perceived by customers and how that perception aligns with your overall brand strategy.


Brand Highlight: Karen’s Diner (rude tone)
Karen's Diner consistently reflects its original concept of an unpleasant dining experience through its rude and sarcastic tone, even on social media. This connection is evident in their response to a customer who expressed both interest and hesitation, where the diner bluntly replied, "So don't"


Consider the emotions you want to evoke in your audience and the overall perception you want to create. For example, if your brand aims to be playful, energetic, and approachable, those adjectives should shape your tone.


  • How does our brand want to make our audience feel? Inspired, motivated, informed, entertained, empowered, etc.?

Consider the emotions you want to evoke in your audience when they interact with your brand. Determine whether you aim to inspire, motivate, inform, entertain, empower, or evoke any other emotional response. This emotional connection is an essential aspect of creating a unique brand voice and helps create a lasting impression.



Brand Highlight: GoPro
GoPro aims to make its audience feel adventurous and empowered by offering rugged, high-quality action cameras. Through its exhilarating and visually captivating brand voice, GoPro inspires individuals to capture and share their thrilling experiences, showcasing their active lifestyles.

Step 4: Apply your brand voice consistently

Once you have defined your strategy, it is crucial to apply it consistently across all your communication channels. Consistency plays a key role in building brand recognition, establishing a strong identity, and fostering a deeper connection with your audience. Here's how you can ensure the consistent application of your voice:

  • Develop brand guidelines: Outline the key elements of your brand voice, including tone, language, vocabulary, and messaging.
  • Train your team: Educate your team members, especially those responsible for customer interactions and content marketing creation, about your brand voice.
  • Use templates and saved replies: Leverage technology tools, such as BrandBasiton Lite, to streamline your brand voice implementation. Create templates and saved replies that align with your brand voice, making it easier to generate consistent responses to customer inquiries.

Brand Highlight: Shopify
Shopify, an e-commerce platform, has a publicly available style guide that includes guidelines for their brand voice and tone. They focus on being empowering, straightforward, and friendly in their messaging. The guide provides examples and instructions for writing in the desired tone.


On social media, your brand voice should be consistent across each social media posts, each caption, each visual, and each brand reply.


You can use BrandBastion Lite to apply your brand voice consistently. You can save different prompts, specifying your brand name, industry, tone of voice, language, and additional details. This allows you to generate AI replies in just one click using ChatGPT integration. You can also utilize saved replies feature to ensure consistent responses. These pre-defined resources ensure that your team maintains a consistent voice while saving time and effort in crafting individual responses.

Step 5: Measure the impact and refine

Once you have established your brand voice strategy, it is crucial to measure its impact and effectiveness. Here's how you can measure and refine your brand voice strategy:

Establishing Metrics to Evaluate Brand Voice Effectiveness: Identify key metrics that align with your brand voice goals and objectives. These metrics may include comment sentiment, engagement rates, customer feedback, or brand mentions. By setting measurable goals, you can track the impact of your brand voice over time and make data-driven decisions.

Iterating and Refining Your Strategy Based on Results: Regularly review the metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of your brand voice strategy. Analyze the feedback from your audience, the sentiment of comments, and the overall response to your brand voice. Identify areas of improvement and make iterative adjustments to further align your brand voice with your target audience's preferences and expectations.


You can use BrandBastion Lite to evaluate how your brand voice strategy is resonating with your audience, by monitoring the sentiment of comments before and after implementing your brand voice strategy to gauge its impact on your audience's perception and engagement.

You can also tag comments when your audience reacts to your brand replies. By tagging these comments, you can track changes in volume and sentiment. This provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of your brand voice in building a positive and loyal community.

Brand Voice Examples for Inspiration


Nike's voice is empowering, motivational, and focused on inspiring athletes and sports enthusiasts. Their messaging emphasizes determination, pushing limits, and the pursuit of greatness. By using strong and assertive language, Nike creates a sense of urgency and motivates their audience to take action.


This caption and visual post embody Nike's brand voice by celebrating the extraordinary achievements of women in sports, highlighting their resilience, dedication, and remarkable accomplishments. It showcases Nike's commitment to supporting athletes and empowering them to the pursue of greatness, set records, and redefine what is possible in the world of sports.


RedBull has established a voice that reflects adventure, energy, and extreme sports. Their messaging is bold, exciting, and aimed at inspiring individuals to embrace an active and adventurous lifestyle. RedBull's voice effectively captures the adrenaline-fueled spirit of their target audience.

This caption and video perfectly embody RedBull's brand voice, as they capture the spirit of adventure, daring, and pushing boundaries. The use of powerful emojis and strong words like "absolute storm" and "🚀🔥" evoke a sense of energy and excitement, reflecting Red Bull's reputation for promoting extreme sports and thrilling experiences. 


Harley-Davidson's voice is a powerful expression of freedom, rebellion, and adventure. It resonates with motorcycle enthusiasts and captures the spirit of the open road. Their messaging is bold, empowering, and unapologetic, creating a sense of belonging and camaraderie.

The caption and post perfectly embody the Harley-Davidson brand voice, evoking a sense of power, confidence, and rebelliousness that defines the iconic motorcycle brand.


Coca-Cola's voice is friendly, inclusive, and optimistic. Their messaging focuses on creating moments of happiness, joy, and togetherness. They use lighthearted, feel-good language to appeal to a wide audience and emphasize the importance of shared happiness and unity.


This caption and post by Coca-Cola embody the brand's voice by celebrating diversity, unity, and positivity. Through the use of colorful emojis, heartfelt gratitude, and energetic language, Coca-Cola encourages people to embrace their authentic selves and share the uplifting music video with everyone they know. The collaboration with artists from all over the world further reinforces Coca-Cola's commitment to inclusivity and global connections. Overall, the post reflects Coca-Cola's brand values of spreading joy, love, and an appreciation for the magic found in music and human connections.


In conclusion, developing a strong brand voice is a critical component of building a successful and impactful brand. It goes beyond mere words and encompasses the tone, personality, and values that resonate with your audience. It is not just about what you say but how you say it.

With a well-defined brand voice, you can forge meaningful connections, foster customer loyalty, and ultimately drive bottom-line revenue.


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