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Jenny Wolfram9/13/16 3:46 AM2 min read

5 Proven Strategies to Successfully Promote Your Social Media Content

Creating great content is a significant part of social media management, but in order for it to make an impact, it needs to be promoted and viewed by your target market.

Here are some tried and true ways to promote all that content you worked so hard to create.


1. Create posts tailored for each channel.

Avoiding the one size fits all approach is fundamental here. What works well on Facebook won’t necessarily work on Twitter. Ensure you are creating images that fit the appropriate ratios for each different social network, and write new copy that fits for the different demographic of each network.


2. Optimize posts for timing and frequency using analytics and insights from each channel. 

The beauty of social media marketing is the level of analytics and insights that most channels now provide. There is no reason to be unaware of the best time to post each day, on each platform. Research the times that each channel receives the most engagement, and monitor it to see if those times evolve and change.


3. Take part in the conversation in your community online.

Rather than just promoting your own content, participating in the conversations happening around you in your community are crucial to building trust and authenticity with your audience. Monitoring your brand name mentions and responding to customers is a tried and true way to build loyalty and keep them coming back to your brand page.


4. Use CTAs to guide your audience.

It is well established that the key to high engagement on social media is telling your audience how you want them to engage with your content. While you’re doing this, remember to make it specifically about them - personalized call-to-action phrases convert 42% more than generic ones.


5. Outreach, outreach, outreach.

Promotion is incredibly effective when it is coming from someone outside your company. This is why outreach is key in any social media strategy. Building successful relationships with trusted personalities, mutual promotion, and building loyal brand ambassadors through customer engagement are an important way to bring new eyes to your content and offerings.


There are many different ways to promote your brand’s services on social media, but with these tactics in place - you will have the roots of a very successful social media content promotion plan.


Learn how BrandBastion can help you take your social media engagement to the next level with our advanced moderation solution.


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