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Black History Month

Black History Month

Black History Month offers an excellent opportunity for brands to honor and commemorate the invaluable contributions of the Black community to our society and culture. Yet, it goes beyond merely sharing a generic "Happy Black History Month" post. The essence lies in approaching this celebration with authenticity, showcasing a sincere commitment to diversity, racial equity, and inclusion.

Now, let's delve into the significance of this celebration and how you can craft compelling Black History Month social media posts. The content should not only resonate with your audience but also nurture an inclusive online environment and highlight black community contributions.


Learn About Black History Month

Black History Month is celebrated in February in the United States and Canada and in October in the United Kingdom and Ireland. It stands as a dedicated period to recognize, raise awareness, and celebrate the achievements and contributions of Black people to history, culture, and society. 

The origins of Black History Month can be traced back to the efforts of Dr. Carter G. Woodson, a renowned historian, and the Association for the Study of African American Life and History. In 1926, they laid the foundation by establishing "Negro History Week," strategically aligning it with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass—both pivotal figures in African American history.

Evolving from a week-long observance, Black History Month officially took root in 1976. Since then, every American president has designated February as Black History Month and endorsed a specific theme. The 2024 theme, “African Americans and the Arts,” delves into the profound influence Black individuals have exerted across various artistic domains, including "visual and performing arts, literature, fashion, folklore, language, film, music, architecture, culinary and other forms of cultural expression.” Past themes include:

  • 2023: Black Resistance”
  • 2022: "Black Health and Wellness"
  • 2021: "The Black Family: Representation, Identity, and Diversity"
  • 2020: "African Americans and the Vote"
  • 2019: "Black Migrations"


Why Brands Should Celebrate Black History Month on Social

Celebrating Black History Month shouldn't be seen as a checkbox on a social media calendar but as a way for brands to make a real impact. This celebration is an excellent opportunity to showcase that inclusivity weaves into your brand's very identity and that your brand is committed to values that genuinely resonate with a diverse audience.

This commitment should extend beyond a month-long campaign, becoming a constant thread woven into the brand's narrative throughout the entire year. By consistently supporting and uplifting the Black community, brands cultivate lasting customer relationships, actively contributing to shaping a more inclusive and equitable future for all.

Black History Month is a powerful occasion through which brands can demonstrate their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, moving beyond performative gestures to impact society positively.


Key Stats About Black History Month and Diversity

  • 72% of young people believe that brands should celebrate or commemorate Black History Month, but they want them to do so respectfully and authentically, prioritizing the needs of their Black consumers and employees.
  • 48% of Gen Z identifies as non-white, making it the most racially and ethnically diverse generation in US history. As a generation that has grown up part of or exposed to diverse communities, racial justice remains the highest concern for Gen Z in the US.
  • Only 13% of Americans frequently shop at Black-owned businesses. "Inclusive consumers” that want to purchase Black-owned brands are often frustrated by their underrepresentation in stores.
  • One in three Black consumers doubts the intentions of social media-run businesses that launch Black History Month campaigns and promotions.
  • More than half (57%) of consumers say they are more loyal to brands that demonstrate commitment to addressing social inequities in all their actions.
  • More than six in 10 (61%) of Black consumers—and nearly one-third of Americans—are likely to patronize Black-owned businesses in February, per Morning Consult data.


5 Back History Month Posts Ideas & Examples

In this section, we'll dive into five inspiring ideas, along with real brand examples, to help you create impactful social media posts. These posts aim not only to celebrate the richness of the black community but also to demonstrate genuine support, fostering engaging conversations with your audience. 

Let's infuse your social media strategy with authenticity and resonance during this significant month. Explore these Black History Month ideas to get inspiration for your posts:


1. Spotlight Black-Owned Businesses

Major retailers such as Macy's, Sephora, and Nordstrom have expanded their offerings of Black-owned brands, responding to the Fifteen Percent Pledge. This initiative advocates to dedicate 15% of the shelf space to businesses owned by individuals from Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities. According to Business Insider, Sephora has doubled its selection, and Macy's has seen a fivefold increase in the number of Black-owned brands it carries.

Their social media posts reinforce their commitment and support to Black-owned businesses.



2. Donate to Organisations that Promote Racial Equity

Another impactful way for brands to actively contribute to racial equity is by allocating resources to organizations dedicated to the cause. Consider donating to nonprofits and initiatives working towards promoting racial equity, education, and justice. Amplify your commitment to creating lasting change by sharing information about the organizations you support and encouraging your audience to get involved. Back your words with meaningful actions for a more equitable future! 

Old Navy


3. Support Black Artists and Creators

Shine a spotlight on the incredible talents of Black artists and creators. Showcase their work, share their stories, consider collaborations, and actively engage with their content. By extending support to Black artists and creators, you not only contribute to the cultural richness of your content but also foster a more inclusive online space.

El Pollo Loco


4. Amplify Black Voices

Share stories, perspectives, and experiences from Black individuals who have made significant contributions to various fields or who are making a difference in their communities. Use your channels to uplift the diverse voices within the Black community, fostering a sense of connection and understanding. Elevate content that promotes dialogue, educates, and challenges preconceptions.

The Wall Street Journal


5. Share Uplifting Employee Stories

Turn the spotlight inward on the diverse voices within your own organization. Share stories and achievements of your Black employees, providing a personal and authentic touch to your social media presence. Highlighting the talent and success of your team not only reinforces your commitment to diversity and inclusion but also fosters a sense of pride and community within your workforce. By sharing these stories, you not only contribute to the broader narrative of Black excellence but also showcase the positive impact that a diverse and empowered workforce can have. 

The Boeing Company
Bank of America


During Black History Month, let's connect with and honor the Black community for their remarkable contributions. As social media marketers, this is our chance to amplify diverse voices, promote inclusivity, and improve representation.

Beyond the confines of a calendar month, let our commitment to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) honor Black History Month!


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