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ice cream logos
Crystal Cha6/15/18 9:47 AM< 1 min read

Ice Cream Advertising on Social Media

With the rise of diabetes and growing awareness of lactose-intolerance and veganism, consumers are demanding healthier ice cream options. The industry is rapidly changing, and with it, the way ice cream is marketed is changing too. Here's what brands in this space can learn from our recent analysis of nine ice cream brands' ads.

Focusing on the industry's big players, the report highlights situations which are occurring at scale. Engagement data has been considered from major brands such as: 

ice cream logos


Highlights of the report 

  • For the ice cream category, positive experiences with the product itself are driving the majority of positive comments on brands’ ads. 
  • Negative comments are focused on products perceived to be poor quality and advertising creative that is perceived as distasteful.
  • The majority of comments categorized as customer inquiries were questions on health aspects related to dairy and sweeteners used.


To view this free report, click the link below. 


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