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Sandra Figueiredo11/8/21 9:15 AM8 min read

Why Social Media Comments Matter: 45 Surprising Statistics


If you work in social media, you know that posting regularly isn't enough anymore. Engagement is paramount to defining success and meaningful relationships with your customers. You need to strive to build a seamless amazing customer experience on social media.

So, how much do social media comments matter? The short answer is a lot. But quantifying that impact can be a little harder to do. If you need help convincing your team that your brand needs to take action to manage comments on social media, you have come to the right place. Arm yourself with 45 powerful stats to prove how social media comments impact revenue and reputation!








01. Brand Safety, Suitability, and Reputation Threats

Hiding harmful comments on social media and alerting when there’s an urgent issue on ads and organic can help increase conversions up to +34%.
(BrandBastion Case Study)

48% say it’s a brand’s own fault if its advertising appears next to hate speech, violent or sexually inappropriate comments.
(EdelmanTrust Barometer)

47% believe that points of view that appear near a brand’s advertising and marketing are an indication of that brand’s values.
(EdelmanTrust Barometer)


Over 15% of comments brands receive are Brand Critiques or Brand Attacks. (BrandBastion Benchmarks)

41% of companies that experienced a negative reputation event reported a loss of brand value and revenue.


57% of people say that an ad appearing alongside offensive content negatively impacts the way consumers view the advertiser.

Using 24/7 Alerts to identify unsuitable ad creatives that are not resonating with the audience, can improve positive sentiment by +250%
(BrandBastion Case Study)

50% of people would not buy from the advertiser if the ad appears alongside offensive content. (AdColony)


On average, more than 25% of a company’s market value is directly attributable to its reputation.
(World Economic Forum)


65% of people will not buy from a brand because it stayed silent on an issue it had an obligation to address.
(Edelman Earned Brand)

87% of executives rate managing reputation risk as more important than other strategic risks.

59% of marketers say that reinforcing customer trust’ is marketers’ biggest challenge when it comes to how they use data.
(Data & Marketing Association)

85% of brands say they experienced trademark infringement on names, web domains, and social media.  The biggest consequence of trademark infringement is customer confusion, loss of revenue, and damage to brand reputation.



While defining your brand safety/suitability plan, be ultra-aware of what content is surrounding your ads.  Remember that the comment section on social is adjacent to your ads, having as much - if not more - impact as the ad placement. Be sure to remove hate speech, brand attacks, spam, competitor promotions, and other harmful comments that threaten your brand safety and suitability.
Extra tip: Learn more about BrandBastion Safety and how it keeps your brand safe and suitable on social 24/7

02. How Customer Reviews’ Influence Decisions

14. About 93% of customers read reviews before making a purchase. (Spiegel)


86% of people will hesitate to purchase from a business that has negative online reviews.

Americans are more likely to post about good experiences (53%) than poor experiences (35%) on social media.
(American Express)

66% of people trust consumer opinions posted online—the third-most-trusted format.
(Nielsen Global Trust in Advertising Survey)

86% of millennials say they are influenced by negative reviews when purchasing a product or service.
(Dimensional Research)

information is 63% more likely to be clicked on than positive information, which means that social media algorithms are designed to maximize such signals and are bound to spread negative information. (AdWeek)


Negative reviews stop 40% of buyers from wanting to use a business.

Four out of five people state that they have received advice via social media regarding what product or service to purchase.
(Pew Research)



Keeping close tabs on user reviews is essential. You should monitor user feedback and actively engage with these types of conversations to build trust.
Extra tip: Learn more about BrandBastion Care and how we reply to customer comments on your behalf 24/7

03. Improving Customer Service on Social is Key

of Americans have used social media to complain about a brand or its customer service. (Microsoft)

88% of consumers are influenced by online customer service reviews when making a buying decision.
(Dimensional Research)

63% of Millennials begin their customer service interactions online.

One in two millennials has complained about a brand on social media.

21% of consumers prefer to message a brand on social media rather than calling up customer service.
(Smart Insights)

57% of customers would rather contact companies via digital media such as email or social media rather than use voice-based customer support.

48% of consumers expect a response to social media questions and complaints within 24 hours.

Feeling unappreciated is the #1 reason customers switch away from products and services.


Answering a complaint on social media can increase customer advocacy by 25% .
(Convince & Convert)



If you’re not prioritizing Customer Service on social media, you may be losing conversions. You should always respond publicly to customer complaints, in order to build trust and strengthen positive brand perception. You can then move the conversation to the private domain to address personal issues.
Extra tip: Learn more about BrandBastion Care and how we can help you provide top-notch customer service by responding to customer complaints on your behalf and speeding up the process.

04. Why Responding is Essential

The average response rate for brands (comments issued by the brand out of total user comments) is only 7%
(BrandBastion Benchmarks)

89% of consumers read businesses' responses to reviews.

74% of millennials report that their perception of a brand improves when it is clear the company responds to customers' social media inquiries

Actively responding to Customer Complaints, FAQs, Fan Community, and Product Interest comments on social media ads and organic posts can help increase ROAS by +56%
(BrandBastion Case Study)

44% of people think that brand conversations (what a brand says in direct communication over email, direct messaging, or in response to a comment posted) are more persuasive than what a brand says in its advertising materials.
(Edelman. Trust Barometer)




Replying to customer inquiries 24/7 on social media can drive a 49% increase in average purchase value.
(BrandBastion Case Study)


31% of customers report reaching out to a company via Twitter

Replying to comments indicating purchase intent can lead to an 11% Conversion Rate.
(BrandBastion Case Study)

Replying to social media comments can lower the Cost Per Action by 26%.
(BrandBastion Case Study)

Customers who engage with companies over social media are more loyal and they spend up to 40% more with those companies than other customers.
(Bain & Company)

Actively responding to false claims and controversy on social can help increase positive sentiment up to 269%.  (BrandBastion Case Study)


Replying to FAQs and Product Interest comments can increase your ad performance. Comments can indicate whether followers are in the awareness, consideration, or decision stage. Brands that deliver appropriate responses and CTAs to comments based on the user journey end up recording more conversions from their social media ads.
Extra tip: Learn more about BrandBastion Care and how we can help you catch conversions opportunities

05. Why Social Listening Is So Important

Did you know?
"Marketers are using social listening right now to identify consumer needs, manage organic social media, gauge sentiment, manage crises, and develop marketing creative."
(Business Insider)

Almost 30% of comments posted on a brand’s social media ads are negative. (BrandBastion Benchmarks). 

Half of the worldwide marketers have turned to social listening to understand consumers’ changing preferences during the pandemic.

63% of social media marketers believe listening will become more important over the upcoming year. (SocialMediaToday)

71% of social media marketers say that they are able to provide consumer insights from social media channels to other departments



You can mine valuable customer feedback on the product, and understand brand perception from the comments on your posts. Pay attention to qualitative and quantitative metrics. Engagement volumes are important but so it's tone and sentiment.
Extra tip: Start monitoring conversations for free and discover conversation trends, understand brand sentiment, respond immediately to your audience, and accelerate performance.

06. Great Quotes to Inspire You

  • "An ad should ideally be like one end of an interesting conversation.- Howard Luck Gossage - Advertising innovator and iconoclast during the "Mad Men" era
  • "The best marketing strategy ever: Care." - Gary Vaynerchuck - Entrepreneur, speaker & marketing expert
  • "Marketing is not the art of finding clever ways to dispose of what you make. It is the art of creating genuine customer value." - Philip Kotler - Marketing author, consultant, and professor
  • "Remember: Your company’s brand isn’t its logo or its mascot or its mission statement. Instead, your brand is a reflection of the experiences people have with your company. And every single interaction contributes to how your brand is perceived." ― David Cancel - Author of “Conversational Marketing: How to Grow Leads, Shorten Sales Cycles, and Improve Your Customers' Experience with Real-Time Conversations”
  • "Amazing things will happen when you listen to the consumer. " – Jonathan Midenhall, CMO of Airbnb
  • "Strong customer relationships drive sales, sustainability, and growth." – Tom Cates
  • "When people feel insecure about something, they look around for validation. Show them that other people trust you.”  Francisco Rosales
  • "Conversation with customers will increase sales, even if the product or service is never mentioned.”  – George Farris
  • Focus on how to be social, not on how to do social.” - Jay Baer, Convince & Convert

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